
Nuclear fusion will be the only energy source soon. On its development depends the future of our children. Will they live in world of wars for oil or in world of surplus of cheap energy?

How did I make Nuclear fusion web

It is difficult to make a website like this? I don't think so. If you choose right tools and sources of information, it is really easy.

Graphics and HTML

PSPad and Inkscape

I have been using mainly two powerful programs. The first is text editor PSPad. I wrote basic HTML template of sites and part of content using it. Second great software is simple vector editor Inkscape. All illustrations were drawn in it. Both PSPad a Inkscape is free software, so you can download it and use how do you like.

Sources of information

I gather information mainly from Wikipedia, but I also monitor new releases of universities studying nuclear fusion. Very helpful is news aggregator Bloglines where I can read everything in one place.

If you have any question, suggestion or if you would like to correct my texts in poor English, don't hesitate to contact me.

Posted by Martin on Jan 30, 2006, 19:01 | Comments (38747)

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